What color blood runs in your veins?
The answer - YELLOW.
Since the beginning of my time Yellow Machinery has run in my veins.
There is always time to stop and admire these beasts of burden powering their way through tasks that sometimes seem impossible.
Projects built around this theme and the great name of Caterpillar are always intriguing.
Here are a few that have served as inspiration for us.

The Awesome Rat Rod - Snappers Caterpillar Buggy
Good things are worth the wait, while great things are well worth a long wait as was the case with this totally awesome Rat Rod. Named Snappers Caterpillar Buggy it is one hell of a rat rod. Marrying parts of an old timey buggy, a semi truck, a school bus yellow Caterpillar front end and other Caterpillar bits and pieces, plus lots of elbow grease, the rat rod buggy is a beautiful road machine. Go ahead and click play and watch some real talented mechanics create a rat rod masterpiece.
The brains behind the next awesome Caterpillar project is Steve Darnell and his team at WELDERUP.
They produced this Caterpillar Diesel Powered Madness.
Steve Darnell is one of those people who make the world a better place to live. This super skilled guy who builds amazing rods in Nevada, Las Vegas. This is one of their most innovative, impressive and wildest creations.
Designed and equipped with numerous unique mechanical specifications and nostalgic touches, this mind-blowing Caterpillar Diesel Power looks like a huge steel beast.
Take a moment and examine this masterful invention! Check the engineering and ingenuity of these men's beautiful minds. OH ! how wonderful it is to make it yourself.
Here is a photo of our company collecting spares from the Melbourne branch of Caterpillar
For the past 34 years since 1987, this has been our Company Logo.
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